Since 1959 Parlok stand like a rock. Parlok know their material High-Density Polyethylene (PE-HD) as good as it is possible to know it and Parlok have developed a unique method to process it. Parlok were among those inventing the plastic mudguard. Parlok improve road safety with the most cost-effective, durable and strongest mudguards on the market. They are very light-weight and visually attractive. Parlok operations also fulfill the strict requirements of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Standards.

Located in an archipelago of the Northern Baltic with plenty of untouched nature and one of the most beautiful places on earth, company respects what it has around and want to do their share to protect it. Parlok produce virtually no waste nor emissions and their products are completely recyclable. Parlok optimise and develop their energy consumption and the recycling as well as the disposal of material and packaging according to laws and international agreements.